Dec 4, 2011


I put up our Christmas tree today. J didn't help because, frankly, if it were up to him, it wouldn't go up.  Haha. It's okay, I don't mind. I put on my Christmas music and spend a few hours unpacking the tree and ornaments, etc.

I hope, though, that things change in the future when we have kids of our own.  I have so many wonderful memories of putting up the tree, my dad lifting me up to put the angel on top of the tree.  And I can't wait to have those kinds of memories with my own kids.

In the meantime, I guess my big fat furry kitty cats will have to help me. Sebastian's favorite spot is under the tree and he didn't waste any time getting under there and staking his territory.  Paulie chased my little bead garland around on the floor while I hung it on the tree. Fun times.

1 comment:

  1. My husband is the same way. I put up the entire tree and he watched. I am also hoping when we have kids, he will be more enthusiastic to put up the tree. My cats love sitting under the tree as well.
