Dec 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

This post is a day late, but my Christmas weekend was very busy. I have been working part time at the bookstore again, and I worked on Christmas Eve morning, then I had church. Our Christmas Eve was pretty low key. Normally we go to my extended family's Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve but this year it was on Christmas Day, so J and I got Chinese food and rented a movie. How boring are we, right? Haha.

Christmas Day, we had church in the morning, then we were off. We visited my father-in-law's first, then my aunt and uncle's, then J's grandparents. It was full of fun and laughter and love and reminiscing and everything Christmas get-togethers should be, but when we got home at 10:00 that night, I was exhausted.

At my aunt and uncle's Christmas, my cousins, brother, and I all subconsciously formed a "kids" table.  You remember how it was -- always wanting to sit with the adults, thinking you're too big for the kids' table. We had one, too, just like everyone else. But something cool happened this year. With the exception of three cousins (2 who weren't there and one who is still "too young" to chat with the older cousins), we all sat down around the appetizer table, snacking, chatting about life and school and other things. What was even cooler is that the table included 2 spouses and 1 girlfriend who all just fit in like they belonged there. I love my family. =)

And because I missed my traditional Christmas Day post:

I hope you had a very merry Christmas and enjoyed the time you spent with your loved ones.

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