...And I've already had the flu. Yuck. I came down with it last Friday and freaked out 'cause I thought it might be Toxic Shock Syndrome because of something that had happened the day before. (I'm also a slight hypochondriac.) I went to the ER 'cause I thought it wass TSS; I'd rather be tald it's nothing and feel dumb than igonore it and have it turn into soomething bad, you know? SO I camped out in my bedroom all weekend. Yuck. Jerome talked me into going and getting some lunch on Saturday, but I just got some toast and chicken noodle soup (half of which I took home). Sunday I didn't go to church (yes, I was that sick). But I'm much better now.
On the wedding front, I wanted to go to the bridal show at the America's Center this past Sunday with my mom and Jen (maid of honor) and Laura (bridesmaid) and Veronica (a friend who is getting married in September), but because of the flu I wasn't able to go. :-( But, I am meeting with a photographer on Saturday night who offered to honor their bridal show price from the one I went to last month (a $1500 package for $1000). They have everything I like and the woman i've been corresponding with seems really nice. We can't put any deposits down yet, but when we do I have a feeling we'll be booking them. Also, Jerome and I FINALLY agreed on our color scheme. We've been back and forth many many times about the blue to use. I wanted to use an aqua and he wanted something darker. So instead of aqua, black and white, we're going with a marine-ish, sage, and white. I'm happy with the choice, though. The coloros look really nice together.
I haven't set any resolutions for the new year, mostly because I never keep them. But I do have goals:
1. Get out of credit card debt and save at least $3000 for the weedding.
2. Lose 50 pounds. (I was planning on going to the gym last weeekend, but the stupid flu decided to use my body as a gym instead)
4. Audition for American Idol.
I know that number 4 seems really kind of... childish... but it's something I think I'm ready for.
School starts in 2 weeks, on Jan. 22. I'm excited about my schedule, except for my damn 60 hour practicum that i have to do for Analyzing and Correcting Reading Difficulties. Finding time for it without interfering with working will be incredibly difficult. Luckily, I hear that I have a teach who will let me do 20 hours at work. yay! I, thankfully, have roughly 2 hours of school time before my first class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I hopefully can kick it out then... But we'll see what all it entails on Jan. 22... I am also taking Introduction to Christian Theology which is independent study; I'm really excited about the subject.
I guess that's all for now...