Sep 24, 2008

Make an Informed Decision

Whether you support Obama, McCain, are undecided, or support a third party candidate, I am a strong believer that you should know why you're voting the way you choose. I was first able to vote in 32004 and my best friend said she was voting for Bush becuse "my dad would be mad if I voted for Kerry." WTF?? I didn't care that she was voting for Bush, I was mad at why she was voting for Bush.

So, thanks to my friends at STLWed, I present to you, a nonpartisan view at the two major candidates' platforms: where they stand on Iraq, taxes, health care, education, gay rights, gun control, abortion, etc. You want to know what they stand for? Find it here.

Everyone spins things to make them look more appealing and their opponent look incompetent. Check out how true or false those claims are here or here.

The election is in a little over a month, and whomever is elected will determine history. Why are you voting??

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I will def use this as I have no idea who I am voting for yet.
