May 26, 2010

Days Like Today...

...Make me not want children, LOL. Everyone asks me if my job is good birth control and honestly it's usually not. My 2's are so loving and huggable and I love their laughter and smiles... Makes my ovaries hurt just thinking about how much I want to be a mom. But then I have days like today. I imagine the same thing happens once you're actually a parent, though; you're like "why did I have kids?"

We have a new girl in our class who doesn't speak a lick of English and has never been in daycare before. All of this equals a clingy, screaming child. Dad left her there for the whole day which meant nap time was AWFUL because I had to keep her quiet while the rest of the kids napped because she wouldn't friggin' lie down and sleep.

I was so frustrated all day, especially because I felt like the office wasn't listening to my concerns about her. And my favorite challenge kiddo, K, hit me in the face. Good times, lemme tell ya.

On the lighter side, I love the rest of my kids almost all the time. On Monday when I was in the room next door, one of our kids who is potty trained as far as "number 1" goes still poops her pants. EVERY afternoon, but never at the same time so we can be sure to sit her ont he potty. Well she pooped in her pants on Monday and Katie went through the usual, "Where do you go poop? And where DID you go poop?" Well, her answer ot the latter was NOT "in my underwear" like she usually says. Instead she said, "In library by the books." WHAT?! I didn't want to know where you were WHILE you were poopin'. Ha ha.

And that same challenge child, K, was outside and tripped, falling back onto her butt. She got right back up and said, "It's okay... I bounced."

And because blog posts are never complete without photos, apparently, here is a shot of some of my kids picking flowers.

1 comment:

  1. That job must be so rewarding... And yet exhausting at the same time. :) I love the "I bounced" philosophy!
