Mar 2, 2011

American Idol 2011: Top 24

There are only 2 guys I really care about making it through tomorrow night: Jordan and Casey. Not because I dont like anyone else, just because I feel more vested in them. I like James Durbin's story but not his music style. (Yes, I was and still am an Adam Lambert hater.) The girls, though, I care about. It's a really tough choice between them all. But before I get into my picks, ley me talk about the season in general.

I loved the new dynamic Jennifer and Steven brought to the table. I think that a lot of purple made it through this year who wouldn't have in years past simply because they were good singers and deserved another shot. (I think that some people have been overlooked in the past because they lacked "the look.") They seemed to be having fun, and they brought good advice to the contestants. However, I feel like they are being too nice now. They liked a majority of the performances over the last two nights, and then Randy got booed for starting what we were all thinking.

I think the way they're eliminating this year kind of sucks. I know they started way late and if they were to do it the way they have most often would have pushed the show into June, but we haven't gotten a chance to get to know any of the singers and their style. To ask us to choose 5 really stinks. I think were going to lose some really good contestants too early in the game.

That said, here are my picks for the girls.

Karen Rodriguez. Oh. My. Goodness. Can you say amazing? She really pulled me in with Hero, and even though I can't speak Spanish, I thought the language change was beautifully done. I worry, though, that she may alienate took many viewers if she does Spanish songs all the time. Then again, maybe there are more Latinos who watch than I think... She's beautiful, too; that dress was STUNNING.

Lauren Turner. Every season has to have a rock chick, but I haven't always been a fan. A few seasons ago there was Amanda something-or-other and I wasn't a big fan. LOVE Lauren, though. I'm worried she won't make it through, though, because we didn't see any of her throughout the auditions or Hollywood week.

Lauren Alaina. Wow, this girl is only 16? I'm not a fan of country, so I don't really foresee myself buying her album ('cause you know she'll get a deal whether she gets far or not) but I love her spirit and the power behind her voice. She really looked like she was having a blast up there tonight!

Pia Toscano. Are you freaking kidding me? What a way to end the show. She's beautiful, the song was beautiful. The end. Put her through.

Those are the girls I think SHOULD make it to the next round and for whom I seriously might cry if they don't. Here is who else I thought was good/deserve another chance:

Kendra Chantelle.

Rachel Zavida (I kind of liked her rendition of Fiona Apple's "Criminal"

I have a feeling Ashton or Ta-Tynisa will make it through, though, because they have the R&B diva-esque vibe going for them.

What do you think? Who will make it through?

All photos of contestants were taken from the American Idol website.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like very many of the contestants this year so I'm actually glad they're getting rid of so many right at the beginning. For the guys I like Casey and Paul. The girls I like Lauren A., Pia, and Julie. I think they let through some guys that they shouldn't have. We saw WAY better guys throughout Hollywood week. Whatever. I'm curious to see how this season really plays out! =-)
