Mar 23, 2011

Day 1: A Picture of Yourself...

...With 15 facts

1. I'm trying to teach myself how to play the guitar (I already know how to play bass, as you can see).
2. I think we overpay for our membership to the gym, but it's got a pool and 2 of my best friends work out there, so I'm willing to pony up the price.
3. I like to cook, but I'm terrified of burning what I'm making/totally screwing it up.
4. When I was a kid I really wanted to be an actress.
5. In fact, I still have dreams of stardom -- but as a Christian singer/in a Christian band.
6. I SUCK at video games. At least the RPG ones -- I'm pretty decent at Mario games and I really enjoy puzzle games..
7. One of my most favorite moments of my life -- other than saying "I Do" was when I surprised J with a song at our wedding rehearsal.
8. As huge of a role as camp has played in my life, I definitely feel that I left at a good time. I miss it, of course, but not in a "man, I really wish I could go back" kind of a way -- just a "man, those were good times," kind of a way.
9. I love my cats, and I love watching J interact with them.
10. I am a CPR instructor, and I used ot be a swim instructor; these two qualifications, I think, really helped me snag my job.
11. I'm planning on starting grad school in the fall for literacy -- reading specialist. I'm loving teaching my pre-K kids early reading skills.
12. I love jelly beans, but not cheap ones -- Starburst ones are my favorite.
13. I really hope to pay off as much of our debt as possible before we have children, because Jerome earns enough to pay for pretty much everything, which means I could stay home for a while with our kid(s).
14. I want to buy a Nook Color with my first wedding paycheck (I'm the facilities supervisor at church) and turn it into an Android tablet.
15. I love my youth kids, but I think God is calling me to a different ministry at my church...

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