Jan 9, 2010

Resolution #4

Resolution #4 involved paying down our debt. J and I took a budgeting class at church today and hope to start getting a handle on our spending. Here are the conclusions we've come to:

1. If I get this job (I really feel good about the interview) and our spending stays the same, we'll actually have an extra $500 per month. We'll probably put 1/2 into credit card debt and 1/2 into saving. With this plan, we really should have or smaller cards paid off BEFORE April, with all of our credit cards paid off by the beginning of next year, if not sooner.

2. If I don't get the job, we're royally screwed. Our expenses exceed our income if I stay at the bookstore, and since I don't see myself getting another job until I find a teaching job for the fall, I have NO idea what we're going to do. We've done fine with my sitting jobs and the occasional sub job, but I am soooo sick of just barely squeezing by. Grr.

3. Either way, the first thing we need to do is tithe. We aren't anywhere close to tithing 10%, but we try to give every week. The issue is, I only give what I think we can afford. Typically it's $10. If it's a payday weekend, we give $20. But the fact of the matter is, that HAS to be the first thing we do.

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