Aug 15, 2010


This song by Todd Agnew is one of those that has been resonating in my heart for the last few weeks.  I don't know if that's because God is challenging me or because it goes right along with what we're talking about in youth group this year.  At any rate, it's called "If You Wanted Me" off of his Better Questions CD.

You can find the lyrics at the bottom of this post.

I think what I love most about this song is that it's real, it's prayerful, it's challenging.  God calls us to do so many things that we hesitate to do because they're out of our comfort zone.  Look at the first verse: Todd admits that he would have laughed at something Jesus told a disciple to do.  Who wouldn't?  "Walk on water?  Really?  Are you smokin' something?"  I probably would have had the same kind of reaction.  Then, "If you wanted me to walk on water, why'd you make the solid ground feel so right?"  God, if you're challenging me to do something so crazy like that, why does my life seem so comfortable?

My favorite lines are the last two:  "If you wanted me to surrender, why'd you make these hands able to hold on so tight?/If you wanted me to be like You, why'd You make me like me?"

This year in youth group we're going to talk about "walking the talk."  What does it mean to follow Jesus?  What does it look like to give up everything for Him?  I know that I struggle with following through with the promises we make when we worship.  Following, trusting, etc. are easy to sing and talk about but to live it out?  VERY hard.  And it's easy for me to say, "I live a Christian life" because I'm not a partier -- I don't drink or smoke, I'm not a big swearer.  But does that really make me a Christian?  Doubtful; if anything it just makes me a good person.

I struggle with the everyday, reading the Bible, praying ceaselessly, meditating on scripture aspect of my faith. DO I trust in God's plan for me?  Absolutely.  Do I believe that when I die I will spend eternity with Him?  No doubt in my mind.  But do I LOOK like a follower of Christ?  I mean, beneath the cross necklace and the crosses on my wedding ring and the occasional Christian t-shirt, what do I look like?  This is something I sincerely hope God keeps challenging me on this school year so that I can challenge my kids.

I'll admit I'm glad we're not disciples
Out on a lake paralyzed with fright
'Cause I'm afraid I might have laughed at Peter
Until he stepped into that stormy night

If You wanted me to walk on water
Why'd You make this solid ground seem so right?

I'll admit I'm glad I'm not King David
Ruling over everything I see
'Cause I think I've fallen for more than Bathsheba
Your creation's a temptation for me

If You wanted me to love You only
Why'd you make the moonlight sparkle in her eyes?

I'll admit I'm glad I'm not John the Baptist
In a jail cell waiting for my day to die
'Cause at least down here I know what we're chasing
And it's hard to trust Your dreams are so much better than mine

If You wanted me to die to myself
Why'd You make me fall so deeply in love with life?

If You wanted me to surrender
Why'd You make these hands able to hold on so tight?

If You wanted me to be like You
Why'd You make me like me?

1 comment:

  1. I think the toughest part about stepping out on faith is it often looks so crazy to the outside world. David and I are undertaking some massive stuff that looks INSANE to everyone else and we've heard a lot of comments about how nuts we must be. But we're stepping on faith and working on being obedient to where we've been called. There will be judgement and struggle and ugliness I'm sure but there will also be beauty and wonder and great blessings from following where we've been called.

    And when you listen to the summonings of the God who loves you more than one can imagine, no matter what the rest of the world says, the miracles will unfold.
