Aug 5, 2010

Job Stress

I'm looking for another job.  Preferably in a school district's early childhood center, but most likely just at another preschool. My asst. director and I don't see eye to eye on a LOT of issues.  She's way too concerned about having parents happy, and often times flat out hides things from them.  She doesn't treat her staff nicely, either.  There are a lot of stories I could tell to gripe and complain, but I'm not going to in this forum because they just aren't nice things.

What breaks my heart is the idea of leaving the kids behind.  I have grown to love all of them -- even the ones who drive me cuh-razy somtimes.  Their smiles and hugs and the things that they say all make me laugh a lot during the day.  But I need to leave in order to regain some kind of sanity in my life.

Don't worry, I will find something before I quit.  That's the first thing a friend said to me and while I appreciate the concern, I am thinking about these things.  I actually applied for a job as a library assistant at a local school district that pays pretty well and I'm well qualified for it.  And it would be a nice foot int he door, as the say.  Hopefully it works out.

Lots of prayers are appreciated!!  Hopefully I find something quickly so that I can quit stressing.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! A happy story for you: my SIL started out as a library assistant at the local middle school, and was hired on full-time at the start of second quarter to teach third grade (kids moved into the district, pushing the school over the size limits and thus requiring a new class be made mid-year). It can happen! :)
