Jan 15, 2011

Reolution Quick Update

2 weeks into the new year and here's how things are going:

Weight Loss
I have made it to the gym 7 out of the last 14 days -- roughly every other day. I'm so excited for myself, LOL. I have a gym buddy, too. My friend L decided to join Gold's and we go together. I'm not doing a whole lot at the moment, just the elliptical for about half an hour and some sit ups but it's a start and it's getting me in a routine. I'm finding it harder to get myself to go, though, now that youth group has started back up. It was easy to go in the evenings after work but now I have to go straight to church, so that's going to have to be reworked. But L and I go on Sundays after church, I'll go on Mondays on my day off, maybe Tuesdays, and Fridays after work. I think that's how it's going to work.
I'm also tracking what I eat. I'm not changing anything drastically just yet -- I want to journal my food and figure out my eating habits and then I'll go from there. Plus, I really want to get in the habit of going to the gym regularly. Getting into one good habit at a time, LOL. I use SparkPeople's app on my Android phone to track my food and exercise in one place. I use Run Keeper Pro to post my workouts to Facebook. I've had maybe a total of 30 oz of soda all year. Still lots of Kool-Aid, but baby steps. I still have had a whole lot more water than I've had in recent months.

Project 365
I've only skipped 2 days. =) You can see a slideshow of my project here. Or visit my Picasa album or Facebook album. They're the same, so don't feel like you're missing something.

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