Jan 18, 2011

Some Success

If you're my friend on Facebook, you know this already, but I wanted to report it here anyway.

On January4, my weigh in was 228 on the nose.

On January 16, my weigh in was 222.6.

Which means I've already lost 5.5 pounds. If there was anything to keep me motivated going to the gym, it was those 4 little numbers.

I'm 1/6 of the way to my goal of 30 pounds and I'm ecstatic.

To be honest, I haven't changed much in my eating habits except that I'm more aware of portion sizes and I'm incorporating a fruit and a veggie at every meal. I'm even trying new veggies, which if you know me you know that that is a BIG step. I am also trying to cut out soda because there was a while there where I was having at least a 32 oz. from the gas station by work every day. In all honesty, I think I've had 32 oz ALL YEAR so far.

Here's a snapshot of my Spark Page, which summarizes my progress for the week.

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