Jan 31, 2011

Snow Day for My Birthday

St. Louis is getting hit with a snowstorm of "historical proportions" according to the news. We got some freezing rain today and they're calling for almost a foot of snow tomorrow. A lot of schools called snow schedules. My center even closed at 12. And now it's closed tomorrow, along with practically the whole city. So I get a snow day for my birthday. Woo hoo!

So here's what's been happening in life for the last two weeks:

1. I read a good book. I didn't even realize it was a Christian fiction book until I saw who the publisher was. Fireflies in December was written by Jennifer Erin Valent and it takes place in Virginia in the 1930s. Jessilyn's family takes in Gemma -- the daughter of their black farm foreman -- after her parents are killed. To them, it's not big deal, but to the town of Calloway, VA, it is a huge deal. Jessie and Gemma have to look hatred in the face and be courageous in their own beliefs. I absolutely fell in love with Jessilyn and Gemma, and couldn't put the book down. I wanted to keep reading and was disappointed when their story came to a close.

2. I lost another 4 pounds. That puts me close to 10 pounds down since the beginning of the year. This totally keeps me motivated to keep on truckin' with watching what I eat and how often I get to the gym. I'm pumped.

3. I filed our taxes. We're getting just shy of a grand and it's all going to pay off 2 more credit cards. This is also keeping me motivated to stay with the "snowball effect." Once those are paid off, we'll be making $150 payments to a card that "only" has about a $400 balance on it. At this rate, we could have a decent chunk taken out of our credit card debt by the end of the year. Woo hoo!!

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