Mar 4, 2009

American Idol and Wedding

those seem to be the top two things I'm thinking about recently, LOL.

First, American Idol: WTF?? Tatiana in the wildcard???!!! I mean, I saw it coming, but to choose her (or Jessie for that matter) over Felicia is idiocy; Felicia was AMAZING last night that sucks. Mostly, I agree wth the rest of the wildcards. Well, except for Von. For real... they should get rid of Tatiana and Von and add Felicia and Mishavonna.

Anyway, on to the most important thing of this post: I'm getting married. In TEN days. Like, in less than an hour from when I publish this post, I will be in the SINGLE DIGITS. Holy smokes! I can't believe how quickly this went by. A friend asked me how I liked being engaged for so long -- would I recommend it. I say absolutely, especially if you're the kind of person who has to control everything. Having a year to just gather ideas helped take a tremendous amount of stress off of me. It also allowed me and jerome to get to know each other even better than we knew each other 2 years ago. Now, when I say "I do" next week I KNOW that I mean it, that it is truly what I want. (Not that I didn't KNOW know in March 2007, but you know what I mean...) We've had an opportunity to plan for our marriage as well as our wedding, and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

I'm stalking the 10 day forecasts on and Right now it's not too great... upper 40's with a chance of rain or SNOW. Yuck. But it's Missouri, so we'll see.

Oh, and I can't talk about J and I without talking about the new addition to our family. No, I'm not pregnant. We adopted a cat last weekend. A friend of a friend had a kitty that she needed to find a new home for and we just happened to be in the market for a cat (esp. a free one!) Thus, Paulie. I have no pics yet, at least no decent ones, but he's a light orange (almost tan) and a big kitty. He's hilarious; he played with this wind up mouse we bought him for HOURS. And the best part is that I haven't had a reaction to him. (I'm allergic to some cats and we were worried that any cat would flare 'em up real bad.) He's precious and he warmed up to us real quick. I will post pictures as soon as I can.

I imagine I'll post at least a few more times before I become a wife; stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. #1 I totally agree with you on American Idol...
    #2 I hope you get better weather when it actually comes to your day! But if not, I hope you still have an amazing day!
    #3 I'm glad that new kitty is working out for you so far. =-)
