Mar 7, 2009

Drooling over this Bathroom Set...

We have a space underneath our bathroom counter that would be perfect for a set of storage drawers but the usual Sterilite drawers are too wide. I know that they sell skinny drawers but I haven't been able to find them. Well, my dad's girlfriend found these at World Market and I am in love with them:

Problem: they're $69.99 (on sale currently for $59.99). And while I love them, I'm not sure I love them $60 worth. But they have a whole matching set. Gorgeous:

That's a hamper for $99.99 (!!) and a basket that would look gorgeous on the over-the-toilet storage thing we have for $22.99. All waaaaay more than I want to pay. Anyone know where I can find anything similar for a whole lot cheaper?

And since I'm on a picture posting spree, I'll share a picture of our cat Paulie. Many of you have seen these pictures because I posted them on the board and on Facebook, but I wanted to share anyways...

He's a big cat, as you can see by the third picture. We've had our windows open the last day or two becuase of the nice weather and he only fits on the window sill when it's all the way open; otherwise, he falls off. Silly boy!!

What are your thoughts on the Wildcards in AI?? I'm suprised they decided to make it 13 and not 12, and I kind of feel they did it to let Megan or Jasmine in in addition to Matt and Anoop... My DVR didn't catch the very end of the episode, so if you missed it, catch it here.

My bachelorette party is tonight and I am hella excited!! I can't believe I get married next weekend!

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