Mar 30, 2009

Stupid Snow

I woke up yesterday for church and there was snow on my car. Argh. Like, it's almost April, for crying out loud!! I went to start my car so it could warm up, not realizing that my wipers were still on from the rain (that turned into snow) the night before and I got all of the snow on my windshield in my car. :-P Stupid snow.

Anyway, I haven't posted in a while because I've been distracted with work and with other stuff that isn't this blog. LOL. But I'm posting now, right?

Let me quickly say that our honeymoon was freaking awesome. The B&B we booked we just as romantic as it looked online and the owners were so sweet! We spent two whole days down there and had a blast. We didn't see any shows, but we did go to the World's Biggest Toy Museum (and got let in for kids' price 'casue it was our honeymoon :-)) and the Dinosaur Museum, as well as played 4 games of mini golf (we tied... we need to play a game up here to break the tie). We spent entirely too much money, but it's all good 'cause God has provided. We also went to Table Rock Lake State park and jsut sat on a bench for a while. The weather cooperated nicely down there and it wass int he 80s all 3 days.

I worked a lot last week. Tammy (the Boss) knew I needed the hours after not working for 2 weeks due to the wedding and one of the other ladies was out of town most of the week, so I pulled in almost 19 hours last week, and about 15 hours this week. That equals one sweet pay check which equals one happy married couple. I really enjoy working at FCS. I get to meet a lot of interesting people and I love the people I work with. Don't get me wrong, my heart lies in teaching and I NEED A TEACHING JOB but this will do for the interim.

Jerome applied for a supervisor position at work. This would equal an extra $6000 a year. please pray that he gets it because we really need it right now. We need to pay down our debt so that he can go back to school, we can get him a new car, and (eventually) start a family. And pray for my job search, too, while you're at it. I should probably be getting calls one way or the other by the end of April because contracts will all be due back to Central Offices and districts will know how many teachers they can hire.

We've gotten a most of our wedding gifts unpacked and hanging on the walls (where applicable) and I have got to say that our guest room is currently my favorite. A few years ago, my mom gave me a beautiful bedspread that's a deep red (almost brown) and dark green and gold. We have that on the bed, paired with some artwork we registered for at BB&B in the same colors. Plus, that room gets the best sunlight in the house, so it's always bright in there. Paulie likes to lay on the bed in there in the sun.

Speaking of decorating, we have a coffee table given to us by my dad's girlfriend that I really like and wold love to put in our living room. However, it's a light wood stained and everrything in the living room (which it doesn't match) is dark wood. I really want to sand it down and restain it. And I will, eventually. A lot of our furniture is on loan from my best friend who had to move in with her mother when we graduated in December; this means we won't have a lot of it forever. She's hoping to have her own place by the fall. (All the more reason to pay down our debt so we can buy furniture of our own...) The coffee table we're currently using is hers, so that is one reason i'm so interested in staining the other one. I'll post pics and let you know how it went when I finally get around to it.

Next week is Holy Week which means I'll be crazy busy. Sunday is Palm Sunday, Monday I have Easter choir rehearsal, Thursday is Maundy Thursday (the night of the last supper/on which Jesus was betrayed), Saturday is our Family Fun Festival (FREE) plus rehearsals for Easter, and Sunday is Easter. I love Holy Week, though, because of how busy I am. And because the MT service is always moving, the FFF is so much fun, and Easter is always amazing, too. Last year I sang My Redeemer Lives by Nicole C. Mullen. It's a poswerful song and it took a lot out of me (I didn't sing anything else, which is weird for me 'cause I always sing with the band during worship).

Have a great week everyone!!

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