Jun 1, 2009

Movies from Books I'm Excited About

A lot of people don't like movie adaptations of books, because either the book is ruined or it ruins their perspective of the whole book... But I actually like movie adaptations of books. Yes, some of them are TERRIBLE, but I like seeing how other people interpreted stuff. So here are the movies I'm excited about:

The first trailer for the newest Twilight book was released last night:

It comes out November 9.

Then there's the new Harry Potter flick, which I hope and pray will be better than the 5th. I'm interested to see how the 7th (and 8th??) films will turn out, considering some of the details they've left out in these movies that come into play now. Almost makes me wish they had waited until all 7 books were out before making them. Oh, well. The 6th one looks AMAZING. This first one must be old because at the end it says "November," but WB pushed the release date back to July and released Twilight in November instead.

By the way, I just realized that the movie is rated PG... interesting, considering how dark and scary the book is... I hope that means stuff wasn't sacrificed.

My Sister's Keeper: (Notice a theme here at all??)

There is no trailer, but I can't wait for the movie adaptation of The Time Traveler's Wife on August 14.

AND I JUST SAW that The Lovely Bones is being made into a movie, set for release in December.

Apparently, Emily Giffin sold her movie rights to her books Something Borrowed to Drew Barrymore's and Reese Witherspoon's production companies and wants Patrick Dempsey to play Dex. I don't think I like this idea.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh Lovely Bones was an awesome book! I would to see it as a movie. =-)
