Jul 25, 2009


The job fair on Wednesday wasn't a TOTAL bust... I got a phone call from Pattonville the other day wanting to set up a preliminary interview. !!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I'm not wanting to put all my eggs in one basket and not get too excited about this. After all, it's only a SCREENING interview. But I have been praying so hard for God to bring me a job at the right time and I've felt like He was ignoring me/not listening (don't wee all feel like that at times?) and I feel like He's waited this long for a reason. What if this IS the job??? I'm actually really excited and already visualizing my classroom and lessons to do to start the year and form a positive learning community. But then I'm like -- HOLD UP. This is NOT a sure thing and I don't want to be disappointed.

But it's something, you know? Maybe this is the beginning of a slew of interviews. It's almost August and I'm freaked that I won't find anything and I'll be stuck working 8 jobs for another year. But you never know what will happen once the school year starts and they, like, realize "Oh crap, we have too many X graders. We need another classroom. Hey, let's call that Jessica girl." LOL. We'll see.


  1. You'll have to talk to Ric about those feelings! He has been looking for nearly two years. IT IS FRUSTRATING!!!!!! (Just as much for me, as it is for him almost.)

    He has been and is SOOO ready for his own classroom!!! :(

  2. Hi there - stumbled on your blog, not sure how, but I did, and noticed you are a teacher looking for a job. Keep your head up - the fact that you got a call back is a big deal. Remember to keep all your answers child centered - what's in the best interest of the children. I have been teaching in Riverview for 15 years and a buddy of mine lost his job here after one year and got on in Pattonville. Do you know anyone there? A good word can go a long way? Were you in a district before or is this your first year? If you know someone that can put a call into human resources, use that life line. Also keep in mind that schools have cut employees believing enrollment to be down, but as a teacher, I believe that come the start of the year, we will be bombarded with a ton of kids and be way understaffed. Keep your head held high and be ready to take a job doing anything this first year... the market basically demands it.

    Best wishes -
    Angie P.
