Feb 1, 2010

It's my birfday!

I'm 24 today. I poked fun at J for being 25 (a quarter of a century old) and he says just wait till next year, LOL.

Today we had a party with my in-laws. My father-in-law and his sister were born on New Years' Eve 2 years apart and Pam turned 50. She and her husband also celebrated 25 years together recently. Another of J's aunt also had a birthday recently so Pam thought we were getting together at O'Charley's for a small family birthday party, but her kids had invited any of their friends who were able to come and there was at least a good 40 people there. I didn't expect it to also be a birthday gift exchange for all of us, but I got gifts/ cards from Grandma & Grandpa, my FIL, and 3 aunts/uncles. It was a good time. (Oh -- and the Baked Penne Italiano there is to DIE for!)

I'm using birthday money to buy good tickets to see Casting Crowns in April with J. I wasn't able to go the last time they were in town, so I'm very excited about this. Just today between my FIL and my aunt (in-law), we got enough for one ticket. This concert is going to be AMAZING and I cannot wait!

Two of my friends on STLWed had their babies this past week. Congrats to Lisa on the arrival of Olivia on Monday 1/25 and Kristal on the arrival of Isaac on 1/27! Both moms and babies are doing well. Kristal has been fully up front and honest with us through her whole pregnancy, including her birth story, which I really appreciate. We are waiting till after our 2nd anniversary to even THINK about getting pregnant, but this gal still has babies on the brain -- MAJORLY. On a side note, J and I have been debating about whether or not we will find out the sex of our still not conceived, not even close, still hypothetical child. He says he doesn't want to be surprised, I do. He finally caved. We'll be surprised with our first. He says we'll find out our second, but I think we'll like the surprise so much that we'll do it again. This is, of course, God willing that we get pregnant with our own babies.

On a last note, I HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW IN THE MORNING!!! It's with a preschool in Winghaven for a 2's teacher. It's an interview/working interview, and let me tell you that it's the HARDEST time I've had deciding what to wear. I want to look professional, but at the same time, I'll be down on the floor with toddler, so I don't want to be too nice. Anyway, I'm excited and I really hope that they decide to give me the best birthday present ever!


  1. Happy Birthday, and GOOD LUCK TODAY!

  2. Happy birthday Jess!! I hope you get that special present - a JOB!

    David and I used to talk about our hypothetical pregnancy plans. Obviously none of those worked out but it was still fun to talk about and it gave us good perspective on where the other was coming from before we were smack in the middle of parenting.
