Feb 14, 2009

One Month. Four Weeks. Twenty-Eight Days.

It's sooooo close! We're hitting the home stretch now; I'm finalizing menus and picking a rehearsal dinner caterer and getting my dress hemmed. I'm counting RSVPs and buying alst minute stuff. In four weeks I will be Mrs. Hall and I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!! (Yes, I did just use 8 exclamation points.) I plan on relishing every minute of my last month as a single woman, but I am excited about the new path I'm about to start on.

What else is there to report? (I need to make sure every entry isn't about my impending nuptials...) I went to that job fair a few weeks ago and interviewed with 5 districts. I had a very successful interview with the FH district; they have year round schooling, which might be weird at first, but a good district and I'm kind of not in a position to pick and choose my district. I've also inquired at a few local private/independent schools and sent my resume to a few. I'm a little worried, thought, because the economic situation has finally caught up with schools and a lot of districts aren't hiring as many people as they usually do/had hoped to. Bummer, right?

I guess I'll close for now. I have church in the morning and I want to post this before my title needs to change. XOXO! Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. just make sure to stop at least once and really take everything in. The day goes by SO fast. All you have left after the day is pictures. I love my wedding pictures! I look at them all the time.
    Good luck! I really enjoyed planning my wedding and hopefully all will go well for you!

  2. Time is getting closer and closer to the wedding!YAY! Any more deatail s on what Amanda and I are doing for the bach party? The when where type stuff?
